As you may be aware, BCAK introduced the new Staying Connected Program in December, thanks to funding by the Smith-Homestead Foundation. The Holiday workshop was the first activity hosted by BCAK in December that was fully sponsored! It was a great time had by all and a great beginning to the program that is available to BCAK members.

Following the get together, participants completed a feedback survey and here are some of the results and comments shared:
How would you rate your overall experience of the Holiday Workshop?
What interested you the most about the Holiday workshop?
Getting together with other fellow pink sisters to try something new and making an arrangement centrepiece.
I love the Grinch and it was nice to be able to meet other members.
Meeting new people. (x7 responses)
I learned some new things and met some new people and came away with a beautiful centrepiece.
Tell us about your overall experience (ie What surprised you the most? What was fun? Did you know you could be so creative? etc.)
It was more fun than I expected. I would not have attempted to make a tabletop greenery by myself.
It was such an amazing and welcoming environment. I loved learning something new and having laughs with old and new friends.
I didn't realize I could be as crafty as I was lol it was a fun afternoon with the ladies.
The last question focused on what types of activities members would be interested in doing in the future. We received excellent results, which is why we are now inviting all of you to “have your say” on your interests. The key is to stay connected and create opportunities for members to come together and foster our community of hope, understanding, inclusion, strength, and resilience…. so your input and advice is critical to our planning! We would really appreciate it if you could take two minutes to complete the survey to contribute in shaping our programs and services!