Breast Cancer Action Kingston
Mission Statement
BCAK is a local, volunteer-based organization dedicated to the education, support and empowerment of persons affected by breast cancer in Kingston and the South East Ontario Cancer Region.
Providing Support
Support for patients, survivors and their families as they cope emotionally and physically with breast cancer.
Research and advocacy directed towards prevention, early diagnosis and treatment.
Educating the public about the importance of breast self-examination, the benefit of early detection, about new diagnostics and treatments, Lymphedema and Survivorship.

How We Do It
Promote and provide funds for research into the cause, control and cure of breast cancer
Provide public education, family support services, dissemination and publication of information about breast cancer

Why We Do It
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian women.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women ages 15 to 54.
About 1 in 9 Canadian women is expected to develop breast cancer during her lifetime and 1 in 30 will die from it.
About BCAK
Our Purpose
Breast Cancer Action Kingston (BCAK) is a local, survivor-directed, volunteer-led, charitable organization whose purpose is to develop programs to educate, counsel, and support women and men living with breast cancer, as well as their families and the community at large.
Our History
Our organization was established in the spring of 1993. In March 1994, a steering committee for BCAK was formed to direct the process and activities of the group. The organization was officially incorporated in May 1995.
The Board of Directors is made up of members of BCAK, in good standing, of whom not less than one third must be survivors of breast cancer.
The first Walk for Awareness was held in 1994 and the first Share the Care Golf Tournament in 2005.
Our Funding
All of our programs and services are paid for through the fundraising efforts of memberships, our annual Walk for Awareness, Share the Care Golf Tournament, BCAK directed fundraisers and direct donations from individuals.
Business organizations throughout the year hold various fundraisers on our behalf such as golf tournaments, silent auctions, fashion shows, bake sales, car washes and dress down days.
BCAK does not receive any government grants or funding.
When we are in financial position to do so, we donate money to University Hospitals Kingston Foundation, (UHKF) (Queens University) to fund local research projects.
All monies raised remain for use in the local area.
**The information contained on this website is not a replacement for professional medical attention. Breast Cancer Action Kingston (BCAK) strongly encourages each of its readers to talk to a physician or health-care team to make informed medical decisions.
BCAK takes no responsibility for actions taken as a result of information or materials referred to on the website.
BCAK is a volunteer organization that lacks the expertise to research questions of a medical or scientific nature.**